Friday, May 07, 2010


Yesterday I made it to 5 weeks. I have been doing pretty good at keeping the worrying at bay. Every time I go to the bathroom I check to see if there's blood. I figure that's a given at this point. If I have a strange pain or sharp cramp I may occasionally start worrying about an ectopic, but truly, for the most part, I have not been worrying. I have really been trying to just take in the fact that the donor egg cycle worked. I guess I have been feeling content.

I have also been completely and utterly exhausted. I start yawning around 7:30 and am in bed by 9pm. I am burp-y and have some crampy fullness type feelings and have tender boobs. Oh and also the occasional heart burn flare-ups. Other than that, I'm feeling great.

My doctor is on vacation right now, but before she went she gave me a script for my ultrasound and also did the referral to the hospital/dr obgyn I will be seeing. She said that I can go for my u/s as early as May 13th, but I am going to hold off until May 20th (if I can) - I should be 7 weeks by then. I just want to make sure that we have the best chance possible of seeing/hearing a heart beat. I don't want to go too early and chance not hearing something and then worrying myself sick over it.

I hope wherever you are in your cycle, whether your cycling at all or taking a break, that life is treating you well.


Fran said...

I love your pregnancy symptoms!
You are doing well my friend, really. And very good if you can wait until the 20th of May, although I'll be flying out for the holidays and I have to know how you are getting on!! Much love, Fran

Kate said...

Seven weeks is perfect for a first ultrasound. Hope you're successful in holding out till then!

Valery said...

So good that you're not worried sick! Good luck with the waiting-enjoying-believing-worrying juggle. Heartbeat at seven weeks would be another miracle.
Wasn't chances for ectopic somewhere around 1%? So for now 99% sure it's okay, from where I'm sitting. And cheering you on!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS!!! I've been on vacation, but wanted in to say "hi"! Wait till 7 weeks or so! I had mine at 6 and saw the hb, but it does vary and no use causing worry over it. I'm so excited for you!!!!

Phoebe said...

A little late here on the congrats, but I'm so happy it all worked for you!!

Lost in Space said...

I love how you are relishing every moment and really just going with the flow. (-;

Good luck with the u/s!!