The u/s was ok, but the machine broke down and we weren't able to quite complete the scan. I go back in two weeks to have the heart, head, stomach and hands looked at. We got another view of the 3 lines so we know she's a she. From the measurements the tech was able to get, Little G is measuring 17w3d. Then we met with the doctor. I'll go back to see him in 4 weeks and then I'll just be treated like a regular patient - won't be getting bi-weekly u/s anymore. Oh well. I think we're going to change dr.'s and go to the low risk clinic instead. It just seems to make more sense.
Yesterday, we bought some wall cards for the baby's room:
These are alphabet cards:
These are the number cards in French:
We're going to use a similar colour to the background in the alphabet cards' picture.
Today things are looking good.
Cute nursery idea! I like that alot :) Happy the u/s went well for you (so far)...silly machine breaking down :P
Glad things are going well for you! And the cards are nice...:)
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