So, we bought that paint, ceiling paint and paint for the trim and, along with my brother and his girlfriend, got started yesterday. My bro could only stay for a few hours so we didn't get as much done as we had expected. Today we finished the second coat and are now ready to start the trim and then touch up the mistakes we've made. I think I over-exerted myself today. My whole body is achy, but I can't help but smiling when I think of what we've been doing... getting ready for an actual baby to come into our home. I am still in a little disbelief over this. And, if I let myself think of all we haven't done I get very overwhelmed. So Much To Buy!
In case your interested... this is the crib:
This is the dresser/hutch:
Sorry about the weird size of the pics - just click on them if you're interested in seeing them. When I have pics of the finished room, I'll share them.
Love the furniture and can't wait to see the finished pictures! How exciting!!
Wow!! love it!! I'm not too much into dark furniture but that looks fab!!!
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