We went yesterday and bought the stroller and carseat combination that I wanted.
We bought the Chicco Cortina Discovery...

We had to go to two different stores t get it because at the first store it was a special order item. Which means it was going to take 8 or 9 weeks for delivery. Yikes!
We also bought a gate to keep the dogs out of the baby's room:
It has door that swings so you don't have to remove the whole thing all of the time. It's also pressure mounted so that we don't have to drill into the door frame. All wins. And the best part is that Little G's room should stay relatively pet hair free.
We also bought a video monitor for her room. It zooms and pans around the room with a remote which is very cool.
Additionally, we bought a basket to go with the change pad to hold diapers etc, change pad cover, a couple of change pads, a tigger toy that H. thought was too cute to pass up.
We have also decided to go with gdiapers for our diapering needs and I've ordered the starter kit. Hopefully, it will be here in time for baby, but if not we'll use disposable until we have them.
I haven't got any bottles etc yet because although I want to breastfeed, I'm not sure if I'll actually be able to. I'm not sure what supplies I should buy.
On another note, I had my 2nd shower over the weekend. I have a small group of girlfriends and they got together to shower the impending baby. We went to a fancy schmancy hotel for tea. It was a lot of fun - I'd never gone out for tea before. It was a great time, the little sandwiches were delectable as were the scones, clotted cream, lemon curd and pastries. The theme of the shower was Winnie the Pooh, now Little G has so many amazing Winnie items includind a beautiful big book of the complete works. I (and little g) was completely spoiled.
As an added bonus, the Boston Celtics were in town to play the Raptors, and they checked in to their hotel while we were at tea in the hotel lobby. It was pretty impressive to see Shaq. He seemed to be a really nice guy, stopping to give autographs and talking with people.
hmm, what else. Oh yes, I am able to control my blood sugar levels quite well through diet. I don't have to see the dr. every week about it - just every other week and instead of testing my blood 4 times a day, I'm down to 2 times a day. I have been a little more lenient with the sugar, but as long as my numbers are okay I feel like we'll be fine.
A new belly shot should be coming shortly.
wow, it's coming up so fast! Just a month to go! I LOVE the stroller and car seat! Sooo cute. And my DH would just die for the the camera. He loves all that surveillance stuff. I wants one at every door. ;) such a nut.
4 weeks!!! Ahhhhhhgh almost there!!! I absolutely love the stroller and car-seat (it's an Italian brand...can't help it!!) and the monitor is really cool. You are pretty much sorted out for everything i seems (I'm sooooooo far behind!)
Love, Fran
Sooooo exciting!
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