Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Gallbladder free!

Yesterday was the big day for my surgery. I was very (VERY) nervous going into it, but decided to just suck it up and not whine too much about it. I was irrationally worried that I would die on the table, that little G would be motherless at the age of 9 months and that she would never remember our cuddles and squeezes and all of the times I have whispered in her ear how much I love her.

The surgeon came in to see me after the surgery to tell me things had gone smoothly. Apparently, I did not have an inflamed gallbladder, just the stones which made it a lot easier to remove. I have atypical symptoms from the gallbladder stones and he said there's a 50/50 chance that my GERD symptoms could go away simply by having the surgery. PLEASE let that happen!

I am on perco.cet right now. They make me groggy and a little dizzy, so I mostly just sleep them off. I have been walking around quite a bit and am much more mobile than I thought I would be. H. is off taking care of Little G since I can't really pick her up and also taking care of me. So far, I think we've gotten on each others' nerves more than anything (me on his a lot since I am a bit of a control freak about our daughter and her schedule). This weekend I will be going to my parents' place to convalesce a little more and give them a chance to hang with their granddaughter. I think my Mom is really looking forward to it.

After I heal up from the surgery, H and I are going to join Weigh.t Wa.tchers and I am going to start up a swimming/walking regime to get into shape. As I have probably said a bunch of times here before (I know I've thought it a hell of a lot) I don't want to be a fat mom, I want to be a good example for our daughter. So, it's time to make it a reality.


Valery said...

I'm so proud of you!!! saying a fear is irrational is one thing, sucking it up is quite another.

For me a walk generally helps me to feel better, both physically and mentally. More energy and calmer thoughts. And sometimes I need to walk more than an hour before my thoughts calm down.
I hope that with WW, your H and you together can make the changes that you need. Even if it is a long road. I bet that by the time little G starts running around you can run around with her.
And if you want some virtual support before then, just post how much you want to walk, and I'll walk here 'with' you.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad the surgery is over and behind you! I hope you're feeling great. Just checking in on you!