So, we had another u/s today to check on the triplets, specifically the twins. They suspected that the twins were monoamniotic-monochorionic twins and today they were checking to see if there was a membrane between the twins. The day was incredibly long and started out with us being an hour early for the appointment. We were told to be there for 10:30am, but somehow they didn't actually book our appointment until 11:30am. By 12:30 or so, we were finally seen by the technician. H. was with me. He got a bird's eye view of the screen and kept making comments about how active the babies were and how they were jumping around. I did get a little screen time and was able to see one of them moving their hands around and putting them by their face. Too cute! All the babies are measuring well - 11w6d, 12w and 12w2d. The NT measurments were 1.3, 1.8 and 1.3 - all in the normal range.
It took quite a long time, with a few breaks to get all of the shots that they wanted of the babies. At the end of the appointment the high risk doctor came in and looked at the twins to determine if they were "sharing an apartment or sharing a room" as the technician put it. It turns out they are in fact in separate amniotic sacs. We were momentarily happy about that. But, the reality is that the twins are sharing a placenta. And, this can create many complications. There was some indication that TTTS had already set in as the membrane of one of the twins appeared to be wrapped closely around its head. We are to go back in two weeks to take another look.
We were told that one of our options is to reduce the twins so that we'd be left with a singleton pregnancy. This would give a better chance of carrying full term. We're not really sure what we're going to do. We will at least wait to see what the next u/s shows us. We are leaning towards just moving forward with things and seeing how it goes. But, there are so many factors to take into account. H and I have a lot of discussion ahead of us.
Such a bittersweet day.
Wow. I don't know enough about TTTS to share any meaningful thoughts on it. Just wanted to say that I am sorry you are facing such a difficult choice. You have been, and will continue to be, in my thoughts.
Sweetie, but the news is a bit better than expected, they have two different sac instead that one only and if I understood it correctly that would definitely have been more risky. The babies are all measuring perfect so maybe it's not a bad idea to see how it goes in a couple of weeks, things may appear even better. I am keeping everything crossed you won't have to make any hard decision, I can't imagine you having to do that. Much love, Fran
Ugh. ((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))
A lot can happen in two weeks and they are in different sacks so that hurdle is jumped. Praying that the TTTS also looks different at the your next u/s. I'd just wait and see too.
I'm hoping that your next appointment in two weeks will go well so you don't have to make that difficult decision. My thoughts are with you & I'm sending hugs your way.
My friend faced the same decision almost a year ago and decided to keep them all. All babies are well today.
Congrats and best wishes.
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